Lifestyle: Follow these 5 rules to reduce 'death fear', know the details

Lifestyle: After learning new driving, many people have one thought when they go out with their car. A passion and excitement also works in itself. So driving a car is no less challenging for a new driver. Accidents can be avoided by learning new driving rules and following them.

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After learning to drive a new car, many people have one thing in mind. A passion and excitement also works in itself. So driving a car is no less challenging for a new driver. Accidents can be avoided by learning new driving rules and following them.

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Learning something new requires practice. Same goes for driving. As a result, after learning new driving, instead of going on the big road, you should practice by driving in small lanes in the neighborhood.

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While driving a new car, a competent person should be kept by the side. It increases the courage of the mind and in case of any problem one can take his help. At the same time, the car should be driven by keeping a distance of a few hands from other cars on the road.

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Another important thing is to put 'P' or 'L' on the front glass and rear glass when driving a new car. It means provision period and learner. Then other drivers will also understand that you are just learning to drive.

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Also, always remember to turn on the indicator light when turning a corner. Many people cannot keep this in mind. This results in most of the accidents. This mistake is also made by long time old drivers sometimes.

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And learn new driving and don't use mobile phone while driving old car. One of the leading causes of accidents is talking on mobile while driving. So avoid it altogether.

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